Hello everyone,

We are very happy to announce that the Great Sioux Wars expansion is now finally live! We have also introduced a couple of updates and changes, in line with your concerns over the last couple of months. Please note that a new set of updates is coming very soon.

*) we have added the 4th upgrade option to all your properties stats. Please note that new properties for the current campaign will be introduced in a couple of days, as well as new expansion slots.

*) you are now able to "Train" your gang members. Engange them in a friendly fight from their profile and see how you rank against them! Please note the following, regarding friendly fights:
- you / your opponent will not lose health
- you will not gain duel points or cash from your gang member
- you will gain experience and you will lose stamina
- this is a test feature, so please let us know how you feel about it. If we receive positive feedback, we can further develop it.

*) we have lowered the doctor's cost for those at higher levels

*) the two new boss fights have two collection items each, as well as a stamina refill boost as an uncommon item.

*) your energy, stamina and health will continue to regenerate 25% faster until the end of this week!

*) we would like to offer you 3 x energy refills, to help you master the Great Sioux Wars: http://bit.ly/1dVlx1i

Please let us know your thoughts regarding the new expansion and today's updates. We know that many of you have waited for them for a long time and we hope you will enjoy them. Feel free to let us know your suggestions, ideas or questions.