Hi everyone,

Just to try and clarify things a bit: the clan interface and features are not completely decided. We are considering different options for them and that is why we are also asking for player feedback. No major points have been decided yet and we can clearly promise that nothing that is presently good will be spoiled if a clan interface is introduced.

With that said, a few clear things that I can mention again for now:
- even if clans are introduced, present gang mechanics and size will remain EXACTLY the same. No player would be forced to join a clan and no player would gain any disadvantages because of clans
- the common base idea is only a starting point, nothing major has been decided in regards to it, but it would mainly be a place where clan players could contribute to building structures and, of course, gain benefits
- in regards to in-clan sharing, that is a great idea and we're greatly considering it.

Of course, we want the discussion to continue and different ideas about the topic are welcome. Thank you.