Hi Alex.

Overall, the first world boss fight was a lot of fun until the end when the game crawled due to the amount of simultaneous attacks. Adding the insta-stamina boost (along with giving some away as rewards) and the 6-hour refill timer change was a great idea during the boss fight.

Since you were planning on extending the boss timer if we ran out of time, I was surprised people were using up coins to pay for stamina boosts. The DoA team must be very excited by receiving all that extra cash being poured into a single boss. There were almost 500 participants this time. I think by having some advance notice on the next boss fight that more lower level users will have a chance of doing the 60k minimum damage to him.

I'd vote for keeping the boss' health and timer the same and if the boss isn't dead within the time limit, then extend the timer. This way you can balance the health and/or timer for the next boss.