Howdy everyone,

In our continued efforts to improve in-game interaction and cooperation, we plan to introduce clan (gang) specific features. Some of the initial ones are:

- a gang would be composed of 30 members and a player can only be a part of a single gang - this smaller number of members would encourage cooperation between players much better than the present possible gang size;
- gang chat; a gang voting system for different actions; gang base where members can build structures together; diverse gang vs. gang fighting events;
Nothing will change regarding current gang mechanics, only their name will change.

Not strictly related to clans we are also planning:
- a training ground where in-game friends can fight each other without fights being counted as won or lost in the rankings, while also gaining experience
- the ability to add players as in-game friends without the need to friend them on Facebook first, based on auto-generated codes.

These are only the first steps in constructing a strong clan interface and we are asking for your feedback regarding anything that you think would make it better. The thread is open for discussion.